Sunday, July 1, 2007

Paraffin Wax Pollutes

There are three main reasons many people avoid buying petroleum (paraffin) products.

1 Petroleum smoke/exhaust contains many carcinogenic toxins and produces ugly black soot.

2 Petroleum wax is not a renewable resource and it is of a limited supply.

3 Burning petroleum products creates air pollution and contributes to global warming.

Paraffin candles contain up to 11 carcinogenic compounds. These 11 compounds have been deemed 'toxic air contaminants' by the State of California. Paraffin wax candle soot particles contain many of the same compounds given off from burning diesel fuel.

Pollutants in homes are 5 to 70 times higher than the highest outdoor levels due to Paraffin wax candle burning. Burning Paraffin wax candles pollute your home.

Health hazards are being created when paraffin (petroleum-based wax) is burned in a candle. Most department stores provide no other option than to buy paraffin candles.

FREE weekly drawing for a Soy Gourmet Candle ($18.95 value)