Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rights As A Mold Victim - Where Is The Controversy?

Right to breath and the right to live in a habitable environment - I don't know what that would be like! Rights of Freedom of Speech - If someone listens but not many do!

I have been very ill from molds for 16 months, and have had many turn their heads on me. I have a wonderful physician from Connecticut that deals with many mold victims. I think though I am having a turn-around with some physicians looking at this maybe in not such a controversial way. I confront the matter with everyone and everyone, tell them look at me, open your eyes I could die from this. My prognosis it not good at all, because I am caught up in a web of being in a project based Section 8 voucher for the elderly and disabled two building subsidy in which both buildings have the molds inside the apartments and entire buildings and tenants are ill from the molds.

One point being also, who is listening to us, I don't see this HUD subsidized project get recognition through any media outlet, because personally I have gone that route. They sometimes talk to me, say they will get back to me and never do.

Why are they taking out rights of freedom of speech away from me, and many other rights have been stripped away from me also. I don't even have the right to breath in my apartment, taken right away from me. Our rights as tenants, not there, our rights going by the disabilities act does not exist with the owners here, just to name a couple of rights I don't have. Eyes need to be opened, ears need to be cleaned so they can hear us, and an open heart might not heart, to say the least.

We have the medical proof of our illnesses caused from the indoor toxic molds. We have the proof from a professional that tested my apartment, the molds indeed are the toxic molds: Aspergillus, Penicillum, etc.
Once again, the political arena needs to open their eyes, listen to the victim's of how our lives have been torn up, if we have a life left. Please recognize what we say, what our physicians are telling you, is the truth. We can die from toxic indoor molds.

Pass the laws that are stalled in Congress, we need clean indoor air, we need for our rights as human beings to be given back to us. We need to be heard.

Darlene Berube has been a toxic mold/sick building syndrome victim since 2006, and is a leading advocate for other toxic mold victims everywhere.

Toxic mold could be in your house right now, and you probably wouldn't even know it. It is a serious health hazard and something that you should take very seriously BEFORE you become another victim of this silent killer.

Visit to learn more toxic mold and sick building syndrome, as well as to read stories from victims of this silent killer.

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